Upcoming Events

CSW69 Events from Members of the Global Partner Network for Feminist Foreign Policy
Learn more about the events organized by members of our Global Partner Network for Feminist Foreign Policy at the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69).

The Power of Regional Movements and Strategies: Advancing the Beijing Platform for Action through Feminist Foreign Policy
This event will bring together leaders from various regions, with a particular focus on the Majority World, to reflect on their feminist foreign policy practices, share lessons learned, exchange ideas and recommendations, raise critical questions and build transnational solidarity.

Beijing+30 and Beyond: From the Beijing Platform for Action to Feminist Foreign Policies
The event will create a multigenerational dialogue that brings together key global stakeholders and activists from two pivotal eras in the gender equality movement: those who influenced the landmark Beijing 1995 World Conference on Women and the current generation shaping the Beijing+30 era.

Redrawing the Lines of Foreign Policy through Feminism
In light of the CWS69 review theme, this parallel event will look into how far we have come in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and how we must confront new challenges through the lens of feminist foreign policy.