Upcoming Events

The Power of Regional Movements and Strategies: Advancing the Beijing Platform for Action through Feminist Foreign Policy

The Power of Regional Movements and Strategies: Advancing the Beijing Platform for Action through Feminist Foreign Policy

  • Church Center of the United Nations, 8th Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event will bring together leaders from various regions, with a particular focus on the Majority World, to reflect on their feminist foreign policy practices, share lessons learned, exchange ideas and recommendations, raise critical questions and build transnational solidarity.

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Beijing+30 and Beyond: From the Beijing Platform for Action to Feminist Foreign Policies

Beijing+30 and Beyond: From the Beijing Platform for Action to Feminist Foreign Policies

  • American University of Beirut - New York Office (The Debs Center) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The event will create a multigenerational dialogue that brings together key global stakeholders and activists from two pivotal eras in the gender equality movement: those who influenced the landmark Beijing 1995 World Conference on Women and the current generation shaping the Beijing+30 era.

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